Stocks & Commodities V. 26:4 (32-38) Bull Put Spreads by Jay Kaeppel
Product Description
Bull Put Spreads by Jay Kaeppel
In part 4 of this series, you’ll find
out more about the bull put spread
AS discussed in the first
article in this series,
several key factors
should be considered in determining the best option trading
strategy to use at any given time
for a given security. In this installment
we will look at a specific
trading strategy — the bull put
spread — and how to use the
PROVEST criteria to identify trading
As I have stated in the past, one of
the most attractive features about
trading options is the ability to create
positions that you cannot create
by just trading a stock or a futures
contract. If you trade stocks or futures
directly, you essentially have
three choices: You can buy long, sell
short, or go flat. If you buy, you then
need that security to go up in price in
order to profit. If you sell short, you
need that security to go down in
price in order to profit. And if you
are flat, you hold no position at all
and cannot make or lose any money.
By using options you have many
other choices. In the March 2008
I wrote about buying a straddle —
simultaneously buying a call and a
put on the same underlying security.
That strategy offers unlimited
profit potential if the underlying
security makes a meaningful move
in either direction. This month, we will look at another
strategy that can only be implemented through the use of
options. This strategy is referred to as a credit spread,
because the trader actually takes in money — referred to as a
credit — at the time the trade is entered. This strategy is often
referred to as a bull put spread. (For the record, there is an inverse strategy known as a bear call spread. For our purposes
here, we will focus on the bull put spread. However, a
trader can simply use the inverse rules and logic described in
this article to trade the bear call spread.)
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