Stocks & Commodities V. 26:13 (26-29): Jokes Of (Trading) Wisdom by Giorgos E. Siligardos, PhD

Stocks & Commodities V. 26:13 (26-29): Jokes Of (Trading) Wisdom by Giorgos E. Siligardos, PhD
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Jokes Of (Trading) Wisdom by Giorgos E. Siligardos, PhD

I have always been fascinated by funny stories that incorporate wisdom and have a bottom-line moral. In this article I present the nine most important jokes of wisdom I know. Each has a moral with real-life applications and particularly in the world of trading.


During his afternoon walk in the park, George noticed a man preaching on a wooden pedestal. There was a group of people making fun of the preacher, laughing at him, deriding him, and calling him crazy. George stood for a while and listened to the preacher’s words:

“Oh, you humans — why are you fighting with each other? Why do you hate each other so much? You are all part of the same world, you are all under the same sun, you all live on the same Earth. Why are you killing each other instead of living peacefully?”

“Fancy that!” thought George. “They may call him crazy, but he is right!”

And the preacher continued: “Oh, you humans — why are you killing each other? You are all part of the same universe.

And who is the lord of this universe? It is I!”

The moral of the story, as it applies to trading?

• Don’t blindly follow the advice of someone who has had some solid and meaningful thoughts in the past.

• Although in the markets the consensus is usually wrong, this is not the case with investment advisors. When you hear a lot of people blaming an investment advisor, be cautious about him, no matter how convincing his or her words are.

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