Stocks & Commodities V. 26:12 (14-16): Forex Focus: The Intraday Trade by Alexander Sabodin

Stocks & Commodities V. 26:12 (14-16): Forex Focus: The Intraday Trade by Alexander Sabodin
Item# \V26\C12\230SABO.pdf
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Product Description

The Intraday Trade by Alexander Sabodin

Here’s a low-risk/high-profit trend-following method that you can apply to the forex markets.

The idea of a short-term trade itself is very attractive, just like a romantic cruise. It’s alluring to sit by the computer for an hour or two when no one distracts you, and earn money getting pleasure from your work.

But there are pitfalls on the way to success. One of the major ones is not having a system-defined trade that results in a lack of consistency in your trades. You must understand that any trade must have a plan of action, and your task is to follow that plan without inventing new rules impulsively. Keep on that plan and you’ll be more likely to achieve success and join the elite group of professionals that really make money.

So how do you get into that elite group? Here is a system you can try, by applying to intraday trading.

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