Stocks & Commodities V. 25:7 (88-89): Websites For Traders: by David Penn

Stocks & Commodities V. 25:7 (88-89): Websites For Traders: by David Penn
Item# \V25\C07\144WEB1.PDF
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Product Description

Websites For Traders: by David Penn


Who hasn’t wondered at one point or another if you could take all of the stocks, indexes, and averages out there and run them past all the various indicators and oscillators in technical analysis and come up with some massive, allencompassing technical screener? You could filter for only the kind of technical indicators you are interested in, as well as filtering in only those stocks, indexes, or market averages that you wanted to follow. At a glance — and after flipping through more than a few pages — you would have an excellent sense of how the world of technical indicators perceives the chances for your stock, index, or average to go up, go down, or go nowhere anytime soon.

If you’ve thought about this, there is a good chance the developers of have sensed your thoughts. Their website allows traders to make just that sort of technical query without having to download and install a massive database of stocks and technical indicators. Simply enter the symbol of the stock you are interested in, select the time frame, include as many or as few technical indicators as you want, and that’s it. The “consensus” of technical opinion on your stock will arrive shortly.

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