Stocks & Commodities V. 25:5 (73-75): Product Review: MetaStock Professional 10 by Dennis D. Peterson

Stocks & Commodities V. 25:5 (73-75): Product Review: MetaStock Professional 10 by Dennis D. Peterson
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Product Description

Stocks & Commodities V. 25:5 (73-75): Product Review: MetaStock Professional 10 by Dennis D. Peterson

Equis International, which is the developer and distributor of MetaStock, the popular standalone application for traders, has released version 10. This version uses Reuters Quote Center, which is a real-time streaming feed with Market Depth windows, and time and sales. Included is an interface from Dynamic Trend, which can now use Quote Center or eSignal for its data. A version of MetaStock Pro 10 using eSignal will be available in a few months, depending on eSignal’s schedule.

Quote Center has several pricing options, with a bias toward bundling services. You can only get North American data bundled with North American futures and forex data at $135 a month. If you want to add Asian/Pacific data worldwide futures or European quotes, that costs an additional $75 a month. Or you can get each (North American, Asian, and so forth) separately for $135 a month. Once you buy a bundle for $135 a month, you get extras for an additional $75 a month. The Quote Center provides 30 days of tick data or 60,000 bars for each symbol going back as far as 30 years. In addition, you can set the intraday time interval to be something more than 60 minutes (for example, two hours) — something that foreign exchange traders have expressed an interest in.


Dynamic Trend uses a screen called a Dynamic Trend Profile (see Figure 1), which looks like a matrix with each cell representing a time frame. These cells are called rooms, and if a room shows a trade building, you can rightclick the background of a room and create a MetaStock chart (see Figure 2). Trigger price, target, and stop are transferred to the chart.

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