Stocks & Commodities V. 25:5 (70-72): Product Review: Options Spreads: Generating Exceptional Returns... by David Penn

Stocks & Commodities V. 25:5 (70-72): Product Review: Options Spreads: Generating Exceptional Returns... by David Penn
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Stocks & Commodities V. 25:5 (70-72): Product Review: Options Spreads: Generating Exceptional Returns... by David Penn


Product: Presentation on DVD

Price: $99

I suppose if I had made more than 200% on my first option trade, I’d be pretty keen on options too. But Tony Ciccone, who shares a little about his own trading background and experiences with options during his informative presentation in video form, Option Spreads: Generating Exceptional Returns, believes this kind of option trading success is more accessible than most would-be and struggling option traders might believe. If you trade within your means, start small and stick to those trading opportunities with a high probability for strong returns and manageable risk, Ciccone suggests in the conclusion of his presentation, then success at option trading can be yours.

That said, there are a number of ways to skin the cat, and no fewer ways for traders and speculators to make money trading options. And while a great many option traders have started out with stock ‘n’ option trades like covered calls, and a significant number of traders have tried buying naked calls and puts, Ciccone lets you know that there are other ways of trading options rather than just marrying them to stocks or treating them like stock substitutes.

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