Stocks & Commodities V. 25:9 (68-71): Product Review: Elwave 8 by David Penn
Product Description
Product Review: Elwave 8 by David Penn
If you want to use Elliott wave
analysis in your trading, then
you’ve got three main options.
The first is to pick up a copy of A.J. Frost’s and Robert Prechter’s
book, Elliott Wave Principle, and maybe
the collected letters of R.N. Elliott, who
invented Elliott wave theory. You could
pick up a few copies of Prechter’s other
books while you’re at it, particularly
The Wave Principle Of Human Social
Behavior or At The Crest Of The Tidal
Wave, both of which include a great
deal of background geared to helping
the budding Elliott wave theorist get his
or her Elliott wave game on.
A second approach is, to be blunt, to
let somebody else do it. Robert Prechter
founded Elliott Wave International (EWI),
in part, just for this reason. The basics of
Elliott wave theory are not impossible to
understand, but applying Elliott wave
principles to price charts do not always
behave as tidily as those idealized wave
counts and cherry-picked examples
would have us believe. Subscribing to an
Elliott wave analysis service such as EWI
is one way to have professional analysts
do the analysis for you.
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