Stocks & Commodities V. 25:10 (51): Websites For Traders: ForexFactory by David Penn

Stocks & Commodities V. 25:10 (51): Websites For Traders: ForexFactory by David Penn
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Websites For Traders: ForexFactory by David Penn


Until convinced otherwise, I still contend that the message-board is the greatest product of the Internet revolution.

Inasmuch as the Internet is about connectivity, what could be more important than the development of virtual places where people from different walks of life can virtually meet and exchange often very real ideas?

For traders, who often live a solitary existence, the message-board is a great source of information, observation, trading ideas, and simply community. While the loneliness of the retail trader is probably overdone (if we wanted to be surrounded by people all the time, then we’d have chosen a different vocation other than trading), there is little doubt that just about every trader from time to time has wanted to whirl around in his or her swivel chair and say to somebody (anybody), “Wow! Did you see that?”

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