Stocks & Commodities V. 25:10 (54-60): Tandem Studies On Market Movement by Dima Vonko

Stocks & Commodities V. 25:10 (54-60): Tandem Studies On Market Movement by Dima Vonko
Item# \V25\C10\198VONK.PDF
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Product Description

Tandem Studies On Market Movement by Dima Vonk

Here’s a tool that analyzes the structure of the market and anticipates market developments for the immediate future.

Market movements are often referred to as trends, sideways movements, and consolidations. But within these movements are smaller price movements that are subject to fluctuation (noise). These are difficult to analyze, which is why you must understand which phase the market is in and what the likelihood is for this phase to be replaced by another. It is only after knowing this that you can apply any relevant technical analysis tools.


The behavior of the market and the market’s participants example, the current phase will be different after a weak bullish trend in the previous phase than a strong bullish trend would be. Tandem studies take into account these important differences between phases and how they influence the state of the market and the behavior of its participants. differ based on the behavior of the previous phase. For

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