Stocks & Commodities V. 25:4 (58-60): Product Review: Foundational Analysis: Select Winning David Penn

Stocks & Commodities V. 25:4 (58-60): Product Review: Foundational Analysis: Select Winning David Penn
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Product Description

Stocks & Commodities V. 25:4 (58-60): Product Review: Foundational Analysis: Select Winning David Penn

If there is a trend in technical analysis I am welcoming with open arms, a trend that is truly a friend to technical traders, then that trend is a shift toward a greater simplicity in both technical analysis and technical trading. Often, when reading about the work of various technical analysts or reviewing the latest technical analysis software product, I become concerned that we have allowed a fascination with what are ultimately nothing more than the ephemera of technical trading to replace the fundamental (dare I say “foundational”?) basics of technical trading. Too often technical analysis becomes an exercise in the invention of elegant (or not so elegant) twittering machines that display knowledge about mathematics or coding skill, yet in the end are no better capable of helping technical traders make sound trading decisions than is a simple trendline or a few basic money management rules.

This theme appears with regularity during the presentation by David S. Nassar that composes his contribution to the TradeSecrets DVD Series, Foundational Analysis: Selecting Winning Stocks With David S. Nassar. Nassar is founder of MarketWise, a company that has grown from being a provider of electronic direct-access trading resources to a major source of educational material about technical trading through its affiliation with CBS Marketwatch.

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