Stocks & Commodities V. 25:13 (34-42): Short-Term Trading With SVAPO by Sylavain Vervoort

Stocks & Commodities V. 25:13 (34-42): Short-Term Trading With SVAPO by Sylavain Vervoort
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Short-Term Trading With SVAPO by Sylavain Vervoort

The trading rules I will discuss here are based on an eight-bar shortterm volume and price oscillator (SVAPO) period with a 1/1,000 minimum price change and with an upper standard deviation channel at 1.5 and 1.3 at the lower side over a 100-day period, as discussed in my previous article. The rules are:

Rule 1: The start of a short-term up move is signaled when SVAPO turns up from below the lower standard deviation boundary as in the weekly chart of Hewlett-Packard (HP) in Figure 1. The same is valid for a short-term down move when SVAPO turns down from above the upper standard deviation boundary.

Rule 2: Medium-term turning points in an uptrend or downtrend are usually indicated with a divergence between price and SVAPO. See the divergence (1) at the end of April in Figure 2. The SVAPO has higher lows while price has lower lows. At the end of the medium-term uptrend at (3), another divergence appears with lower highs in SVAPO and higher highs in price.

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