Stocks & Commodities V. 25:13 (24-28): The Defensive Trader by Adrienne Toghraie

Stocks & Commodities V. 25:13 (24-28): The Defensive Trader by Adrienne Toghraie
Item# \V25\C13\246TOGH.PDF
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Product Description

The Defensive Trader by Adrienne Toghraie

Not trading as well as you would like to? Can you take some constructive criticism? No?

Sid had a problem with his trading that was losing him money. Instead of waiting for the buy signal from his system, Sid would anticipate the signal and buy too soon. If the trade took a slight tick downward after it was initiated, he would panic and sell. As soon as he sold, the market would resume its upward trend and his signal to buy would appear.

When asked about the cause of the problem, Sid vigorously denied that there was a problem with his trading performance. He blamed his losses on the system he had purchased and the volatility of the market he followed. In his mind, he had done everything correctly given the circumstances. For Sid, change was going to be impossible because he had taken a defensive position.


Recently, I read a book on leadership in business. In one study, the authors concluded that almost no difference existed between executives who rose to the top of their field and those who dropped out along the way. These individual managers were equally intelligent, capable,

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