Stocks & Commodities V. 24:7 (96-98): Websites For Traders: The Big Picture by David Penn

Stocks & Commodities V. 24:7 (96-98): Websites For Traders: The Big Picture by David Penn
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Stocks & Commodities V. 24:7 (96-98): Websites For Traders: The Big Picture by David Penn


Think Jim Cramer is the only former hedge-fund gunner turned media star who’s got a flair for language?

"Last week, I jokingly referred to the notion that the Tax Cuts Crashed Market. It was a tongue-in-cheek reference to the foolish notion of ascribing a single causative factor to the elaborately intricate dance that defines daily market action … I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when the talking point went out and Fox News blamed the market drop on the NSA leak!"

Or who’s got an appreciation of culture:

"A couple of indie albums this week to explore: Several Arrows Later by Matt Pond PA straddles indie rock and jangly pop: It’s not for everybody, but if you like Death Cab for Cutie and the Shins, you may like this …"

Not to mention a mind for the markets?

"The breach of a key uptrend in the ratio of the S&P 500 to the 10-year US government bond yield suggests either stock prices are headed much lower or bond yields are headed much higher — or both — in the longer term."

These were the product of Barry Ritholtz, chief market strategist and fund manager for New York–based hedge fund Ritholtz Capital Partners (RCP).

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