Stocks & Commodities V. 24:6 (79): Websites For Traders: by David Penn

Stocks & Commodities V. 24:6 (79): Websites For Traders: by David Penn
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Stocks & Commodities V. 24:6 (79): Websites For Traders: by David Penn


Some websites of most interest to investors, speculators, and traders are veritable Meccas of valuable information in and of themselves. Although certainly a dying breed since the dotcom implosion half a decade ago, a few Internet sites remain where someone interested in the mood and movement of the stock, commodity, options, or foreign exchange markets could get some pretty good analysis, interpretation, or tools, all the while spending little more than the time it takes to type in a URL or left-click on a mouse- or touchpad. We have been fortunate enough over the past few years to be able to direct readers to some of these undiscovered gems.

Other websites for investors, speculators, and traders are less destinations and more waystations. These websites — not necessarily any more numerous than the kind already mentioned — serve to route the curious toward other resources: other websites or books, newsletter services or software, even cable television programs. In a way, websites such as these are a tribute to the Internet, insofar as those who create and maintain such e-directories and e-compendia are tacitly acknowledging the wealth of information available online and repudiating the idea that any one website, or any one “family” of websites, could provide an investor, speculator, or trader with all that he or she needs in order to profit from the markets.

This brief review fits into the latter category for, in a sense, there is precious little “there” to the Business TalkRadio (BTR) Network (

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