Stocks & Commodities V. 24:11 (76-78): Product Review: SoftInvestor by David Penn

Stocks & Commodities V. 24:11 (76-78): Product Review: SoftInvestor by David Penn
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Product Description

Stocks & Commodities V. 24:11 (76-78): Product Review: SoftInvestor by David Penn

Let it never be said there is not a measure of diversity in the optimized trading system software market. This marks the third month in a row I have spent time with software based on the idea of, if not reinventing the wheel, then at least putting it through the Speed Channel’s Unique Whips program of spinning rims and 20-inch low-profile tires.

In other words, we are again talking about optimizing indicators as the primary goal of a system like SoftInvestor, which comes to us from Denmark, courtesy of the Implementia company. As they suggest in their response to a question about their target customer, SoftInvestor is geared toward the personal and semiprofessional trader who sees the advantage of optimized indicators, but is not necessarily ready to relegate all of his or her trading to the optimized verdicts of his technical analysis software. In this, Implementia’s SoftInvestor is a very accessible, very straightforward technical tool for traders, speculators, and investors looking to see what edge optimized indicators might bring to their work in the markets.

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