Stocks & Commodities V. 24:12 (66-68): Product Review: CQGNet Professional 7.38 by Barbara Star, Ph.D.

Stocks & Commodities V. 24:12 (66-68): Product Review: CQGNet Professional 7.38 by Barbara Star, Ph.D.
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Product Description

Stocks & Commodities V. 24:12 (66-68): Product Review: CQGNet Professional 7.38 by Barbara Star, Ph.D.

It's known as the Integrated Client. No, not the person who subscribes to the service; the program itself, because CQGNet combines the power of real-time quotes, analytical charts, user custom studies, backtesting tools, and trading alerts, with order execution at no extra charge. And it comes complete with free 24-hour technical support (from a live person) every trading day plus a personal introductory tutorial session designed to have the new user up and running as quickly as possible.

Definitely not a newcomer to the financial markets, CQG entered the trading arena in 1980 providing commodity data and charting services via computer while most traders still required handheld devices to receive quote data. CQG has been a long-time favorite among institutional traders for its cutting-edge technology and accurate data. Less well known is that CQG offers the same benefits to individual traders.

Data quality, accuracy, and reliability have been, and remain, the cornerstone of CQG products. In 1982 the company transmitted market data via a satellite network. In 2000 CQG started migrating data transmission via the Internet and in 2004 ended satellite transmission. Currently, CQG maintains three separate networks to ensure uninterrupted data transmission. Round-the-clock quality control groups provide another layer of precision by monitoring a worldwide data network and inserting all exchange corrections in real time to provide traders with accurate, integrated information. At present, it offers stock, commodity, futures options, currency, and fixed-income data.

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