Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (66-70): Product Review: AmiBroker 4.80 by David Penn

Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (66-70): Product Review: AmiBroker 4.80 by David Penn
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Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (66-70): Product Review: AmiBroker 4.80 by David Penn

From the point of view of the prospective purchaser of charting analytic software, one of the most important things that can be learned from a product review is how different the software under discussion is from the software that I, as the prospective purchaser, am using right now. This, of course, is an impossible point of view for a product reviewer to sustain over the course of a review. As I have written before, there may one day be a different charting analytic software program for every single trader who wants one — until then, it will simply seem so.

The other temptation, of course, is to compare charting analytic software packages. While this approach sounds reasonable enough, it also suffers from the “chasing the horizon” phenomenon. Does “more” equal “more” when it comes to such software? When does “more” cross the line into being “too much” in terms of features and options? How much does price factor in the equation? How much does telephone or email support figure into this? Are frequent updates a good thing, or merely a sign that the developers are playing catch up?

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