Stocks & Commodities V. 24:9 (56-60): Product Review: OmniTrader 2006 by David Penn
Product Description
Stocks & Commodities V. 24:9 (56-60): Product Review: OmniTrader 2006 by David Penn
Have we arrived at the point yet when, instead of smiling in admiration of the old-timer who still hand-draws his own point & figure charts each evening, we can finally just say something to the effect of “Wow, so that’s what you old dudes did before OmniTrader?”
I’m no graybeard. And I don’t consider myself a discretionary trader, either. I’ve got a system (or two), rules, even a sound money management program. I also have stacks of yellow legal pads, skinny spiral notebooks, fat manila folders and more Post-it notes than a strip mall with a Staples at one end and an Office Depot at the other, just to keep track of my “system(s).”
Why, you might ask, do I go through all that paperwork to keep track of a system that could in all likelihood run
by itself? Why not automate the process, save myself some time, and cut back on the inadvertent deforestation program that the reams of paper I plow
through have come to represent?
For some time, my answer has been easy: I’m a technical trader, not a computer programmer.
Unfortunately for my ego, a product like OmniTrader 2006 (OT2006) makes my “easy” answer harder to abide by. Unlike a lot of automated trading platforms
available on the market, it appears as if OmniTrader 2006 has put a premium on not just effectiveness, but
simplicity as well. There is precious little complicated code to learn or algorithms to wade through, and the software’s “Getting Started” mini-manual is almost suspiciously straightforward and easy to understand.
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