Stocks & Commodities V. 24:2 (56-59): Product Review: IQ Trader by David Penn

Stocks & Commodities V. 24:2 (56-59): Product Review: IQ Trader by David Penn
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Product Description

Stocks & Commodities V. 24:2 (56-59): Product Review: IQ Trader by David Penn

A little over a decade ago, a bunch of derivatives traders and information technology (IT) wizards got together in an effort to create a handheld product that floor traders could use to trade in open-outcry exchanges. This was pre–Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) as far as derivatives went, pre-Internet boom as far as IT wizardry went, and pre–BlackBerry/PDA as far as handhelds went. So what might seem commonsensical today was far less so back in 1994.

In the decade-plus since then, the work of this band of traders and technologists has grown into a suite of products that both professional and average retail traders have come to know and love. Under the rubric of Patsystems, these tools and products have become so much a part of the trading world that many brokerage houses offer or encourage their clients to use Patsystems platforms with their stock and futures accounts. Many are the traders — especially nonprofessional ones — who have made their first e-mini Standard & Poor’s 500 trade, for example, using Patsystems’ J-Trader.

For those traders who are ready to raise their game a few notches, Patsystems has a product that combines the simplicity and ease of use of J-Trader with the scalability, power, and sophistication of some of their more upscale, professionally oriented trading products, such as Pro-Mark. And if you have already raised your trading game and are looking for a platform that can keep your pace, then you have all the more reason to find out what Patsystems’ IQ Trader has to offer.

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