Stocks & Commodities V. 24:10 (58-65): Interview: Jerry Toepke Of The Moore Research Center by J. Gopalakrishnan

Stocks & Commodities V. 24:10 (58-65): Interview: Jerry Toepke Of The Moore Research Center by J. Gopalakrishnan
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Stocks & Commodities V. 24:10 (58-65): Interview: Jerry Toepke Of The Moore Research Center by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Watching the rhythm of the markets, and being able to anticipate market movement, can give the involved trader a boost. Jerry Toepke, who is editor at Moore Research Center, Inc. (MRCI), has gained an appreciation for the power of the seasonal study as well as how it integrates with technical and fundamental analysis since he joined MRCI in 1988. His interest in the futures market started in 1977, and since then, he has been a private trader and retail broker. STOCKS & COMMODITIES Editor Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan interviewed MRCI’S Jerry Toepke on August 9, 2006, via telephone.

Q: Can you tell us about the Moore Research Center?

A: The Moore Research Center is an independent, privately owned company engaged in seasonal research. The company has, and still does, conduct research under contract to certain futures exchanges, but generally, it is in the business to provide research to individual traders, from beginners to professionals to commercials, so they can better make their own trading decisions. The company is not an advisory service, and does not presume to make trading recommendations. Rather, our intent is to perform an objective analysis of historical futures prices, looking for price movements that are so reliably repetitive that traders can anticipate their recurrence on their own.

Q: Is that kind of predictable repetition only in the futures markets?

A: I suspect it’s true in most markets, but our forte is futures and that is pretty much where we stay. We have done some special reports, special publications, that we put out once in a while on the Dow Jones industrials, and on the Standard & Poor’s 100. We determine when a specific stock, over the last x number of years, tends to make a seasonal high, a seasonal low, and seasonal trends in one direction or other. But primarily, our clientele, our business, and our focus are on futures.

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