Stocks & Commodities V. 23:1 (87): Websites For Traders: Technical by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Product Description
Stocks & Commodities V. 23:1 (87): Websites For Traders: Technical by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
There couldn’t be a more appropriate domain name for a site dedicated to technical analysis, and when a dedicated technical analyst comes across such a site, he or she will expect nothing less than an overdose of technical analysis.
So will this site satisfy the technical analyst’s craving?
What I found from navigating was that it was nothing more than an educational and informative site that discusses various technical analysis indicators,
although not all of them — in fact, not even a large percentage of them. But the site is free, which is a rarity in this day and age. On the homepage you’ll see a chart of the smart money flow index. Now I’ve heard of the money flow index, but this had the word “smart” added to it. My initial thought, when I saw the reference
to this indicator, was that it was probably a proprietary indicator that was a modification of the money flow index. To find out, I clicked on the link for more information and did see a short description explaining how the indicator is calculated and how it can be applied, so that was enlightening.
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