Stocks & Commodities V. 23:8 (63-64): Websites For Traders: by David Penn
Product Description
Stocks & Commodities V. 23:8 (63-64): Websites For Traders: by David Penn
Investment newsletter writers have Mark Hulbert and his digest; the followers of market folklore, arcana, and shibboleths have Yale Hirsch and his almanac, and now, the world of market timers has
What is Timer Trac? Quite simply, Timer Trac provides an amazing cross-section of data on some of the country’s most savvy and often under-the-radar market timers, traders, and money managers whose job it is to be in the market when it’s moving up and out of the
market—or short—when the market is moving down.
And whether you’re looking for the skinny on some big-talkin’ market timer or just want to show off your own talents in that regard, Timer Trac may be for you.
Timer Trac verifies claims about performance by market timers, and displays this information in text, tabular, and graphic form. This is perhaps what
makes Timer Trac so special: not only does the service provide invaluable performance information on a number of talented though often obscure market
timers, but it also provides the information in such a way that would-be subscribers can make comparisons between trading styles or strategies between market timers as well as within a market timing organization.
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