Stocks & Commodities V. 23:9 (62-66): Product Review: Advanced GET by Dennis D. Peterson

Stocks & Commodities V. 23:9 (62-66): Product Review: Advanced GET by Dennis D. Peterson
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Stocks & Commodities V. 23:9 (62-66): Product Review: Advanced GET by Dennis D. Peterson

Advanced GET has been a STOCKS & COMMODITIES Readers’ Choice Awards winner for years. At $2,995 for an end-of-day standalone version or $160 a month for real-time access, it’s not cheap. But is it worth it? To find out, for this review I downloaded the real-time standalone version and also used the one added to the eSignal service. I was also sent one of the courses —“Creating A Profitable Trading Plan”— and one of the instructors went over the material with me.


The first thing that struck me as we went through the course material was how much of it was material I had already found to be true, except for the refinements, which were new to me. It would be unfair to reveal the details of what is taught in the course, but I want to mention that I found the material valid, because it is the course material that strongly suggests to me that Advanced GET can be an extraordinary tool for making money. We went over a number of real-time trades in detail as they unfolded, observing the e-mini Standard & Poor’s 500 contracts activity. The instructor traded his own account and I watched him make a tidy $1,200 profit in about 30 minutes. He was also more than willing to point to trades that didn’t work as well, giving me a sense that this was an above-board and honest demonstration.

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