Stocks & Commodities V. 23:5 (68-74): Interview: Tim Wood Of Cycles News & Views by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
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Stocks & Commodities V. 23:5 (68-74): Interview: Tim Wood Of Cycles News & Views by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Tim W. Wood is editor and publisher of Cycles News & Views, which provides technically based research and analysis on the stock market, gold, bonds, the dollar, and more. This research is primarily based around two proven disciplines. One, classic Dow theory, was a method of market analysis developed by Charles H. Dow more than 100 years ago, and Wood’s application of Dow theory is based on the original writings of Charles Dow and his predecessors. The other discipline he uses is a quantitative approach based on cyclical analysis. These methods were used for more than a year and a half in advance to forecast the decline into the 2002 stock market low. Other calls include the 2001 top in the dollar and the 2001 bottom in commodity prices and gold. STOCKS & COMMODITIES Editor Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan interviewed Tim Wood via telephone on March 8, 2005.
Q: Tell us how you got started in technical analysis.
A: I originally started studying cycles through the works of Walter Bressert, about 15 years ago. Everything I really know about cycles came from Walter. He was a wonderful cycles pioneer. That was the only cycles course I ever took. Why would you need more?
Q: Have you only worked on cycles, or did you start out with technical analysis?
A: I started out with technical analysis, and then I looked at Elliott waves and other things. What struck me about cycles is that they are a way to quantify a move. Basically, you’re profiling. You can develop expectations of trend, and you can also find there are trends within trends by looking at the different cycles. There are cycles you look at on a monthly chart, versus cycles you look at on a weekly chart, versus cycles you look at on a daily chart. It’s a way to quantify at multiple levels.
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