Stocks & Commodities V. 23:5 (64-67, 94): Product Review: OptionVue 5 by David Penn

Stocks & Commodities V. 23:5 (64-67, 94): Product Review: OptionVue 5 by David Penn
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Stocks & Commodities V. 23:5 (64-67, 94): Product Review: OptionVue 5 by David Penn

With apologies to Chaucer and the Wife of Bath, oh to speak of the woe that is options trading!

If it isn’t the historically low volatility in recent years—as shown by a volatility index that looks like it fell off the dinner table—then it’s some smart-aleck telling us that 225% of all options traders lose money, or that 750% of all options expire worthless. On the more sensible side of things, one exceptionally savvy trader who’s spent more than a few years successfully trading options recently wrote in a newsletter to subscribers that “it’s arguable that there is no game any longer … no(t) for options traders, who doubtless understand that, when volatility continues to shrink, the short sale of puts and calls becomes a game of Russian roulette.”

And if the game is tough on guys like him, what does that suggest for the rest of us?

If your options game is not where you want it to be—or if you don’t even have an options game and are starting to think it might be high time to get one—then consider spending a few minutes now (and a whole month’s worth of free trial later) getting to know OptionVue 5.

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