Stocks & Commodities V. 23:12 (66-67, 69): Product Review: Trade-Ideas by Dennis D. Peterson
Product Description
Stocks & Commodities V. 23:12 (66-67, 69): Product Review: Trade-Ideas by Dennis D. Peterson
Trade-Ideas provides realtime streaming alerts for
stocks, indexes, exchange traded funds (ETFs), and
e-minis. These alerts employ criteria commonly used by many traders. The alert calculations are done
on a tick-by-tick basis for the instruments being traded on the NYSE, AMEX, CME, and NASDAQ. Historical data is available, but as you might guess, storing tick data for three of the biggest exchanges limits history to about 20 days. In addition, many of the alerts (especially patterns based on tick calculations) means that they can be triggered with a single tick. All of the calculations are accomplished on their servers, so
there is little impact on your system resources. You can use Trade-Ideas through a browser-based version or download the application Trade-Ideas Pro, which is the
focus of this review. The goal of Trade-Ideas software is to help you spot trading opportunities as they happen in real-time.
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