Stocks & Commodities V. 23:8 (58-61): Product Review: Strategy Center by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Product Description
Stocks & Commodities V. 23:8 (58-61): Product Review: Strategy Center by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Active traders will value having the ability to backtest their strategies and identify stocks, indexes, or futures that meet the specific criteria of their strategies. CyberTrader has added Strategy Center, a new suite of technical analysis tools, to their existing trading platform that integrates trading strategies into their trading.
The starting point of Strategy Center is a window populated by a list of preloaded strategies (Figure 1). All you really have to do to select one of these strategies is highlight it and click on the Add button, and your strategy gets listed on the right-hand side as a selected strategy. Whenever you select a strategy, a brief description of the specific strategy is displayed at the bottom of the window. If a strategy you wish to use is not listed in the preloaded list, you do have the option of creating one. This involves adding one of the available indicators and specifying a trade action. Similarly, you can add a money management action, such as, for example, placing a stop-loss at 3%.
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