Stocks & Commodities V. 23:1 (122-123): Websites For Traders: by David Penn
Product Description
Stocks & Commodities V. 23:1 (122-123): Websites For Traders: by David Penn
Will a massive post-election bull market in stocks do for financial weblogs what the US Presidential election season did for political blogs? I have no idea whether the consensus view of ever-higher stock prices is any more correct than the consensus contrarian view of a gut-wrenching market collapse, but as long as the markets remain a place of fascination, opportunity, and
controversy, there will always be those looking for insights and, fortunately, those talented and articulate enough to provide them.
One such articulate talent is Teresa Lo, founder of and a frequent Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES contributor. While the dotcom bubble encouraged legions of financial analysts, money managers, and others to try to become more interactive through message boards, chats and chat transcripts, and other methods, a great many of those efforts either imploded with the dotcom bubble burst or metastasized into semifinancial, semipolitical
web journals — and eventually blogs — leaving the space for ongoing, running market and economic commentary from real market participants largely to the
contrarian camp of gold bugs and perennial market bears.
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