Stocks & Commodities V. 22:10 (91-92): Product Review: The Volatility Primer by Dennis D. Peterson

Stocks & Commodities V. 22:10 (91-92): Product Review: The Volatility Primer by Dennis D. Peterson
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Product Description

Stocks & Commodities V. 22:10 (91-92): Product Review: The Volatility Primer by Dennis D. Peterson

This course is about trading options, not simply buying or selling options as a way to hedge stocks. Stock traders should be able to transition to buying and selling options, but as options expert Larry McMillan points out, this doesn’t seem to be the case. However, this video might make a difference for them, since it is well-presented and jam-packed with useful information. It’s not often you come across video courses on options trading that you want to rewind to review what was just said, rather than fast-forward to get to the presenter’s points. This tape falls into that rare category.

The video shows a 2003 course presented by McMillan. You can download all of the slides (115) used in the presentation. In some video courses with audience participation, the camera focuses on the presenter as opposed to the screen. In this case, however, the focus is more on the screen and less on Larry, which is more helpful to the viewer.

Do you ever wonder what implied volatility really means? You’ll wonder no more after viewing this video. It explains terms such as the “vig,” which is not a term many people know. The “vig” tells you how much the stock must rise to overcome the bid-ask spread, which is handy information if you want to make a profit.

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