Stocks & Commodities V. 22:4 (82-84): Product Review: TBOTS by David Penn

Stocks & Commodities V. 22:4 (82-84): Product Review: TBOTS by David Penn
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Product Description

Stocks & Commodities V. 22:4 (82-84): Product Review: TBOTS by David Penn

How would you like a trading assistant? Or even better, how would you like a whole staff of assistants to monitor your target levels, prepare baskets of stocks to buy in order to exploit temporary weakness as revealed by your favorite trading setups and strategies, and generally execute your trading commands with the speed, accuracy, and sense of purpose of the 101st Airborne Division of the US Army?

If that’s the kind of support you want or need to be all the trader you can be, then consider enlisting TradeSignals’ newest product, TBOTS: Trading Robots, to your cause. TBOTS allows any trader (or active investor, for that matter) to be his or her own hedge fund, or even mutual fund family (for those who believe that, when it comes to finding tradable stocks, the more the merrier).

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