Stocks & Commodities V. 22:12 (122-124): Product Review: by David Penn

Stocks & Commodities V. 22:12 (122-124): Product Review: by David Penn
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Stocks & Commodities V. 22:12 (122-124): Product Review: by David Penn


You know you shouldn’t. Deep down, you know better, don’t you? But still, you just can’t help yourself. Twenty cents a share for a company just about to make it into the big time. … A buck fifty a share for this tiny, great little outfit that nobody knows about — yet. And there you are, waiting to enter on the ground floor. You want to do it. You can’t help yourself. But you also can’t help but remember everything that everybody told you about penny stocks — much of which is probably summed up in this note from Investor’s Business Daily founder William O’Neil: The Canadian and Denver markets list many stocks you can buy for only a few cents a share. The reason I suggest you avoid gambling in such cheap merchandise is that everything sells for about what it’s worth. You get what you pay for.

Talk about getting no respect! If the late great Rodney Dangerfield had been a trader, he probably could have made a career out of the abuse heaped upon penny stocks alone.

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