Stocks & Commodities V. 22:12 (122-124): Product Review: QCharts by Dennis D. Peterson

Stocks & Commodities V. 22:12 (122-124): Product Review: QCharts by Dennis D. Peterson
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Product Description

Stocks & Commodities V. 22:12 (122-124): Product Review: QCharts by Dennis D. Peterson

QCharts by is a real-time datafeed that can be downloaded from the Internet. The product contains all the basic charting elements plus a few extras, some of which I have not seen in other products. As I was reviewing this product I came across a few glitches, but nothing catastrophic. Among the many pluses were the visually appealing charting capabilities.


There are nine different toolbars available, which makes it easy to control the look of your screen (Figure 1) as well as overlay drawing features. These drawing features include the Andrews pitchfork, line drawing, and a cycle tool that I’ll touch on later. The zooming feature works by clicking and dragging the x or y axes. In addition, you can increase or decrease bar spacing. Bars are limited to OHLC, candlestick, and line. If you want point & figure or other chart types, does offer you the option of getting MetaStock Pro with a live feed for $199.95 per month.

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