Stocks & Commodities V. 22:10 (110-112): Product Review: MarketAspects 1.3 by David Penn

Stocks & Commodities V. 22:10 (110-112): Product Review: MarketAspects 1.3 by David Penn
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Product Description

Stocks & Commodities V. 22:10 (110-112): Product Review: MarketAspects 1.3 by David Penn

When I last looked at TradeSignals’ MarketAspects product, I referred to it as a “powerful, if not overwhelming, way to study, understand, and trade the markets.” In the year since that review, TradeSignals has improved upon its original MarketAspects software (now in version 1.3). But the software’s fundamental appeal as an easy-to-use real-time charting product with all of the basic tools and a few fancy new ones has remained intact.

In fact, some of the enhancements that are part of 1.3 are not fancy at all, and perhaps represent what some original MarketAspects users have been clamoring for ever since version 1 got up to speed. These enhancements include new printing functionality, alerts, five new overlays, 12 new indicators, a tabbed workspace layout similar to the one in Figure 1 (through which different charts and quoteboards can be created and saved), the ability to save parameters for indicators, overlays, and studies, new keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys, and cosmetic (but worthwhile) changes like displaying current symbol, time frame, and the high, low, close/last price, and change in the upper lefthand corner of each chart.

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