V.16:14 (690-692): Product Review: MetaStock Professional For Signal and BMI by John Sweeney
Product Description
MetaStock Professional, For Signal and BMI (Equis International). Real-time analytical software including five-year historical database on 30,000 stocks, mutual funds, futures, and indices. by John Sweeney
One of the most pleasant
tasks I have is reviewing
EquisInternational’s products. They don’t come out
very often, but what makes
it nice is that its new releases always
work right out of the box. You’re never
going to have to fuss with INI files,
options that don’t work (and must be
double-checked with the vendor), or
off-the-wall features. Equis,though now
a subsidiary of info-giant Reuters, still
takes its own sweet time about getting
the software right and, when one of its
products do turn out to have a bug, you
get the actual pleasure of working with
their tech support wizards.
Here’s an example of a quality company: In its packaging, Equis includes a
separate folder listing all the ways their personnel can be reached for support.
Every other company buries this information
somewhere in a thick manual or
confusing online aside, but Equis is
confident enough you won’t have big
problems that they put it right in front of
Here’s the scoop: MetaStock Pro is
the low-cost entry for real-time analysis.
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