V.16:14 (684-685): Product Review: OptionTrader 98 Professional Edition by John Sweeney
Product Description
OptionTrader 98 Professional Edition (Austinsoft Incorporated). Options data analysis software for trading sheets and trade search. by John Sweeney
When last we saw OpCalc
Professional, the precursor
to OptionTrader 98, I
described it as an options
calculator with some data
acquisition problems and a nifty trade
search capability. OptionTrader 98
pretty much eliminates the data problems
and spiffies up the output while
retaining the trade-scanning strength.
The result is a very cost-efficient options
analysis program you could use
for daily trading.
Actually, that’s how the program got
started. The principals at AustinSoft
will probably be on the trading floor at
the World Trade Center if you call to
chat about the software. OptionTrader
98 benefits from this hands-on involvement.
For instance, daily trading sheets (Figure
1) can be generated by OptionTrader
98. These tell you where prices should
be given underlying and just about anything else. That’s because AustinSoft
lets you set the columns and rows to
more than 100 different fields, from
greeks† to implied volatility. If you
don’t want to wait for a computer to
come up with a number, check your
sheet. This even works for spreads.
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