V.16:14 (682-683): Product Review: MarkeTrack 98 by John Sweeney
Product Description
MarkeTrack 98 (Track Data Corporation). Internet-based quotes and charts service. by John Sweeney
Data vendors have just
about completed the task
of adding the Internet delivery
vehicle to the list
of FM, satellite and leased
focus on presentation and
comprehensive content. A
phone lines. Now they are starting to case in point is MarkeTrack
98 from Track Data Corp.
Like other Internet-based
trading station vendors,
they deliver a ton of
quotes. The difference is
that, unlike many, they
get their data right from
the exchange. They aren’t
reselling data, thereby
eliminating one link that
can go down or inflict
data damage.
Then Track Data exploits
the multitasking in which case Windows will page the
stuff on and off your hard drive).
Each application will be something
like a chart, a quote table, a technical
study, news, options, time and sales,
or ticker. MarkeTrack 98 can also
feed a dynamic data exchange†
(DDE) link while it’s at it.
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