V.16:14 (667-668): Product Review: GlobalView in the Energy Markets by John Sweeney
Product Description
GlobalView, In The Energy Markets (GlobalView Software Inc.). Software that displays quotes and standard analytics for both retail and institutional environments. by John Sweeney
Customer service for the
energy industry really
stands out in EnergyView,
one of GlobalView’s spe-cialized
trading platforms
for energy traders. GlobalView representatives
install your software, create
your initial screen layouts, and teach you
in person how to run the system. By the
end of the day, you’re fully operational.
That can include integration with your
firm’s information systems — though
that’s not a one-day affair. GlobalView
Software is the only data integration software
provider that assures integration
with full-span accounting and business
management environments that are increasingly
deployed throughout enterprises
such as Shell or Amoco.
While it includes the browser interface,
GlobalView can put together standard
screens and reports customized for
nonexperts who need to retrieve standard information on a routine basis.
Since GlobalView provides nearly
every energy-based information source
from Platt’s to obscure faxed price sheets
from Indonesia, they can integrate your
information with theirs in standard reports.
These customized packages build
GlobalView into proprietary information
systems that you can distribute to
any of your locations with Internet access,
which is to say, a large portion of
the world.
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