V.16:14 (663-664): Product Review: VirtualTrader For TradeStation, version 2.0 by John Sweeney
Product Description
VirtualTrader For TradeStation, Advanced Training Simulator For Professional Traders, Version 2.0 (Titan Trading Analytics Inc.). Testing and trading simulator plus intraday tick data. by John Sweeney
If putting your personal
wealth on the line doesn’t
excite you, perhaps practicing
at it will. Though they
aren’t going to have the off-the-
planet graphics and sound of a
Nintendo video game, you can still get
a pretty good buzz from playing a trading
game — and you may even learn
something in the process.
VirtualTrader training simulator in-stalls
on your computer and into your
copy of TradeStation. It’s a unique installation
that works perfectly and is
amazing to watch as your screen dances
around. The result is a trading system of
sorts that you manage from the screen
as you go along. In other words, you are
the trading system.
It’s worth mentioning at this point
that vendor Titan Trading Analytics will also send along a pile of tick data for
you to use in getting up to speed. The
program installs with three demos as
well, but the tick data comes from all the
daytrading favorites: Standard & Poor’s
500, the S&P mini, Treasury bonds and
currencies. For indices, it has the Dow
Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), S&P
cash, S&P 500 futures, NASDAQ, transports,
utilities, TICK, TICKI,
and S&P premium. These provide
a nice practice milieu.
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