V.16:14 (650-652): Product Review: TechniFilter Plus, ver 8.1 for Windows 95.NT by John Sweeney

V.16:14 (650-652): Product Review: TechniFilter Plus, ver 8.1 for Windows 95.NT  by John Sweeney
Item# \V16\C14\132PR.PDF
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Product Description

TechniFilter Plus, Version 8.1 For Windows 95/NT (RTR Software). Software to prepare filter reports, chart stocks and futures, and backtest trading strategies. by John Sweeney

Of all the newsletters that cross my desk, there are a few that I seriously study, and one of them is RTR Software’s News Notes. That this has gone on since 1986 or so indicates my opinion about a little-known package of analytical software, TechniFilter, which is the principal topic of discussion in the newsletter.

RTR, a company started by three mathematicians, isn’t big on marketing, but it has successfully created one of the most powerful tools you can use to develop and test your trading ideas. Plus, since the last review, TechniFilter’s been fine-tuned for Windows and now sports a much more convenient interface. Noted for speed and economy of expression in the past, it still requires just 8 MB of hard disk memory and, even burdened by Windows overhead, clips through its tasks quickly.

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