V.16:14 (646-649): Product Review: BioComp Profit by Howard B. Bandy, Ph.D.

V.16:14 (646-649): Product Review: BioComp Profit  by Howard B. Bandy, Ph.D.
Item# \V16\C14\131PR.PDF
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Product Description

BioComp Profit (BioComp Systems Inc.). Neural network-based trading system development software. by Howard B. Bandy, Ph.D.

BioComp Profit is an exten-sion of BioComp Systems’ NeuroGenetic Optimizer (NGO) neural network modeling product. Profit is designed specifically to construct and test trading models and trade financial markets. And it is very effective. In an NGO review that was published in the August 1997 STOCKS & COMMODITIES, the steps necessary to develop and use a model of a financial time series for investing or trading were discussed. Briefly, those steps are:

1 Decide what you want to predict.

2 Decide on the measurement of goodness for your model.

3 Assume your model will be per-fect and evaluate its potential profitability.

4 Select the factors you want the model to use to make the prediction.

5 Collect the associated data.

6 Preprocess and transform the data.

7 Divide the data into training set and validation set.

8 Build the model.

9 Use the model.

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