V.16:14 (641-643): Product Review: ELWAVE 4.0 by John Sweeney

V.16:14 (641-643): Product Review: ELWAVE 4.0  by John Sweeney
Item# \V16\C14\129PR.PDF
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Product Description

Elwave 4.0 (Prognosis Software Development). Elliott wave analysis and projection software, end-of-day or real-time. by John Sweeney

The promise of Elliott wave programming has been that the logic of R.N. Elliott’s analysis would become objective by its encapsulation in software. While comparable programs looking at the same data still disagree somewhat, at least within any single program a degree of consistency has been achieved. After that, the focus changes to power, ease of use and efficacy.

ELWAVEtakes advantageofthehorsepower of today’s computers and the convenience of the Windows operating system, not to mention thorough programming by Arjan van Gog. It grabs huge amounts of data, cuts it up into 10 (up from the classic eight) levels of wave degree, expands or contracts your view of it, displays the rules of the pattern you’re examining, graphs the whole thing together with conventional indicators, and gives out trading alerts as the data comes in, whether it’s real-time or intraday.

All that and it’s easy to use.

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