V.16:14 (637-638): Product Review: LIFFE Data ver 1.0 with LIFFEstyle Software by John Sweeney

V.16:14 (637-638): Product Review: LIFFE Data ver 1.0 with LIFFEstyle Software  by John Sweeney
Item# \V16\C14\127PR.PDF
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Product Description

LIFFE Data, Version 1.0 With LIFFEstyle Software (LIFFE Data Services). Ten years of tick data from LIFFE's interest rate futures and options contracts plus data management and analytical software. Exports to the following formats: Amber, ASCII, Aspen Graphics (S&P ComStock), CSI, Unfair Advantage, CSV, Excel 97, Index A, Market Eye Format 4, MESA96, MetaStock, TradeStation (via PRN). by John Sweeney

Overseas traders are quickly catching up to the level of intensity and technical skill of US traders, so much so that they’re now demand-ing the kind of tick data delved into previously only by US firms. The result? Europe’s premier financial exchange, the London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE), has taken virtually all its records, cleansed them in an unspecified way, and issued the tick data on CD, Internet-updatable, as LIFFE Data.

The data is accompanied by LIFFE-style, an efficient extraction and analytical program from LIFFE Data Services.

This is heavyweight stuff. The program can absorb up to two million tick records, depending on the RAM you have available, and display them onscreen in nine different formats (Figure 1): all ticks; five-, 15-, 30- and 60-minute bars; daily or five-day. You may also view the data for bid-asked prices (if you load it) and daily volume.

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