V.16:14 (635-636): Product Review: BOLT 3.01 by John Sweeney

V.16:14 (635-636): Product Review: BOLT 3.01  by John Sweeney
Item# \V16\C14\126PR.PDF
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Product Description

BOLT 3.01 (The Bressert Group). On-line futures trade entry software. by John Sweeney

And now, for something fun, order up BOLT, which is brokerage Bressert Group’s real-time trading software. It connects you directly to their order desk with a messaging feature I haven’t seen before on the Internet. The result? Two-second order responses and, reportedly, depending on the pit, 10- to 20-second fills.

BOLT skips the usual route to automated transactions (the trading order placement systems, or TOPS), in which your order has to queue up during busy periods, be printed and walked into the pit for filling, which can greatly delay the instant fill order process. Instead, with BOLT, Bressert Group can phone in directly to all major US exchanges whence orders are flashed to the pit. You’re still dependent on the give-up broker, but both he/she and Bressert have every incentive to give you the best service they can. In case of disaster, you can still call the order desk if your computer or Internet service provider (ISP) goes down because even though the Internet is designed for redundancy, it is still not immune to overload.

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