V.16:14 (620-622): Product Review: Platt's Analytics Service by John Sweeney
Product Description
Platt's Analytics Service Real-Time Information (Standard & Poor's Platt's). Page-based technical and fundamental indicator, commentary, and pricing for analysis of petroleum markets. Available on the internet. by John Sweeney
In 1923, Warren C. Platt started
publishing prices for oil and its
byproducts welled from the
fields of Oklahoma and Texas.
The information was vital to
producers and purchasers alike and served
for many years as the basic price discovery
mechanism surrounding the oil fields.
Today, petroleum markets are large,
virtually public markets with full transparency
and intimidating efficiency.
Platt’s Global Alert, Platt’s main petroleum
market product, is still the
industry’s pricing benchmark, not only
for their reporting but also for the rigorous
analytics they publish.
With Platt’s Analytics Service, they’ve even gone a step further and
now include some forward commentary
and direct quotes of traders’ forecasts,
whereas competitors tend to stick
to reporting. Platt’s figures that even
companies with their own technical staff
will buy analysis that reduces their leg-work
and provides an unbiased second
opinion on the market.
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