V.16:14 (618-620): Product Review: Channel Trend by John Sweeney

V.16:14 (618-620): Product Review: Channel Trend  by John Sweeney
Item# \V16\C14\119PR.PDF
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Product Description

Channel Trend (Channel Trend Inc.). Stock-targeting service. by John Sweeney

Channel Trend is an advisory service that’s been around since the early 1980s and offers a unique blend of fundamental and technical insight into picking stocks to buy and those to sell.

Originally, Channel Trend developer Harry Gish needed to find a way to pick stocks to unload (he had a contract to do some portfolio pruning) with some assurance they wouldn’t then soar to new heights. He wanted to combine trend and cyclic behavior into a single variable he could use to compare and rank the prospects of a large universe of stocks.

Technicians will immediately think of a gajillion ways to do this, but Channel Trend’s approach was innovative, neatly sidestepping typical problems with solutions to this question. Channel Trend simply projects a weighted average price based on past momentum and draws upper and lower bounds based on past volatility. ...

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