V.16:14 (615-616): Product Review: Jeronimo J2 by John Sweeney

V.16:14 (615-616): Product Review: Jeronimo J2  by John Sweeney
Item# \V16\C14\117PR.PDF
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Product Description

Jeronimo J2, Multihead Advanced Graphics Accelerator (Appian Graphics). Graphics accelerator display cards and HydraVision software to allow your PC to use two or more monitors. by John Sweeney

Modern software can not only gobble and regurgitate numbers, it can also fill seeming acres of display space with buttons, icons, window shades, scrollbars and other occasionally helpful items. Sometimes, what’s left is just trifle too much. What can a claustrophobic investor do?

Appian Graphics’ solution is to trick your computer into running two, three or even four screens at the same time, spreading what you want to view over several monitors. The result is that quotes can be displayed on one screen, graphics on another. Or perhaps, one market with all its data, quotes, graphics and derivatives are displayed on one screen and another market on the other.

Naturally, an eye-flick from one screen to another is faster than a mouse click and a redraw.

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