V.16:14 (611-612): Product Review: Enhancing Portfolio Value with Covered Call Options by John Sweeney

V.16:14 (611-612): Product Review: Enhancing Portfolio Value with Covered Call Options  by John Sweeney
Item# \V16\C14\115PR.PDF
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Product Description

Enhancing Portfolio Value with Covered Call Options (Investment Enhancing Systems, Inc.). Software and manual on writing covered calls. by John Sweeney

Most traders realize to some degree that writing options against their portfolio stocks will give them more money if the stock falls, remains the same or rises just a little. If traders wrote options against their stocks all the time, their portfolios should have less volatility than those composed solely of stocks, because the extra income tends to stabilize returns. The question is: How can we implement this strategy consistently?

Investment Enhancing Systems provides pathway with a package called Enhancing Portfolio Value with Covered Call Options (EPV)...

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