V.16:14 (609-610): Product Review: Wall Street Investor, ver 4.0.8 by John Sweeney

V.16:14 (609-610): Product Review: Wall Street Investor, ver 4.0.8  by John Sweeney
Item# \V16\C14\114PR.PDF
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Product Description

Wall Street Investor, Version 4.0.8 (Comstar Concepts Inc.). Software for investment tracking and analysis. by John Sweeney

Here at STOCKS & COMMODITIES, we receive questions all the time from readers about which products to buy, including questions about which portfolio management packages to use. That vendors in the software industry have been overly focused on technical indicators is evident in the dearth of integrated software that handles a variety of accounts, accurately tracks trades, and generates tax reports. If a portfolio management product could also perform the garden-variety technical analysis that most traders require, you’d have a winning combination, especially if it could be had for just $100 or so.

Comstar offers all that in Wall Street Investor, and offers it for both the Macintosh and Windows platforms. Nor is it barebones on the analytical side. Wall Street Investor offers 21 studies, point and figure charts, and onscreen drawing.

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