V.16:13 (606): Quick Scan: Trading in the Zone

V.16:13 (606): Quick Scan: Trading in the Zone
Item# \V16\C13\113QS.PDF
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Product Description

Trading in the Zone, How To Create A State Of Mind That Eliminates The Fear, Stress, And Anxiety From Your Trading (Trading Behavior Dynamics, Inc.)

I would think that anyone with so much as an ounce of entrepreneurial spirit would look at the career of the professional trader with keen interest. It’s easy to picture yourself sitting in front of a screen, trading away, racking up steady profits. You’d see yourself as being your own profit center with complete control over your destiny. Unfortunately, that scenario rarely works out so well. The majority of individuals trading futures lose most of their capital within their first year, then give up on trading. Their reasons for doing so range from believing there’s some secret indicator they don’t know about all the way to believing it’s their broker’s fault that their trades failed. Those who do hang in there acquire extensive market and trading knowledge, yet they struggle to be consistently profitable. —Thom Hartle, Editor

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