V.16:13 (599-600): Quick Scan: Hit and Run Trading, The Short Term Traders' Bible

V.16:13 (599-600): Quick Scan: Hit and Run Trading, The Short Term Traders' Bible
Item# \V16\C13\106QS.PDF
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Product Description

Hit and Run Trading, The Short Term Traders' Bible (M. Gordon Publishing Group)

Hit and Run Trading presents 11 trading ideas for day and short-term traders. For each, you get the entry rules and eight to 10 charts, with examples of the trade. Exit rules aren’t specified but stops are, and they are extremely close. Author Jeff Cooper’s approach is to ruthlessly eliminate losers, yet the promotional literature and the book itself cite winning percentages of 60% or more. Cooper states his techniques are the culmination of 15 years of work. No backtesting is included in the book, so the results cannot be verified.

To find trading situations, Cooper recommends screening a large universe of stocks to get 15 to 25 candidates to watch each day. This requires software that can screen average directional index (ADX), averages, price and new highs/lows, since doing this manually would be extremely time-consuming. —STOCKS & COMMODITIES

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